Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow needed!

There has been very little snow so far this winter. Even at high elevations there isn't much. There's still hope however...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Plimbare de Craciun

Din cauza vremii nefavorabile (ploaie torentiala si temperaturi cu mult peste 0°C) traditionala plimbare de Craciun a avut loc cu cateva zile intarziere anul acesta. Am profitat de acest pui de viscol care a reusit sa astearna un strat subtire de zapada in cele cateva ore cat si-a facut de cap.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Back home for the winter...

After leaving Ireland and driving 3031km in 36 hours stretched over 5 days I am finally home. No sign of winter yet.