Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fresh powder

We got spoiled with fresh powder this morning. The fog lifted just in time giving us the chance to carve the perfect lines for most of the day.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ski trouble

One of my skis developed a fault yesterday, minutes after hitting the trail. The binding, a Dynafit TLT Speed, started to release the boot when in touring mode which should never happen. Having just arrived at the cabin, prepared to spend at least a week in the mountains, I was reluctant to descend so soon in the attempt to fix the problem. Luckily the guy who mounted the bindings in the first place, was available in a nearby ski resort and kindly offered to help. So today I started my day with a 6km trip to meet him. The last 200m climb was a nightmare, the binding releasing at least 10 times during the ascent. It seemed that one of the fastening screws had become loose, forbidding the locking mechanism to engage when switching to touring mode. Missing some materials we were unable to finish the repair today. I had no choice but to walk back to my cabin.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bâlea Valley once again

Bâlea Valley has become a regular spot for my ski tours this winter. I went up there again yesterday. The perfect day, overshadowed only by the death of a skier who was caught in an avalanche three days ago. The avalanche debris (not pictured here) were a stark reminder that the backcountry is a dangerous place, where written and unwritten rules of snow travel should be obeyed at all times.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Skiing in Predeal

The skiing season continues. I went to Predeal yesterday. Snow was great, I got to descend about 5000m in total, in a little over 4 hours. Thinking of going?! Note that a ski pass for half a day (12:00 to 16:30) will cost you €20, one for a full day (9:00 - 16:30) will hit you for €32. And avoid weekends or you'll spend most of your time in line at the lifts.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Skiing in Postavaru

It has been snowing at a slow but steady rate for the past couple of days. Skiing on piste, taking advantage of the lifts and avoiding avalanche areas, sounded like a good idea this morning. Not having to wait in line at the lifts was great, today being a working day. For the same reason good snow lasted for longer. Fog was the only minor nuisance. Total vertical descent: 4816m. A great day overall.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Din nou în Valea Bâlea

Încă o zi superbă, însorită, fără vînt, temperatura un pic sub -5°C. Nu stau mult pe gînduri, arunc rucsacul și schiurile in mașină, Miercuri sare pe bancheta din spate si plecăm din nou spre Bâlea Cascadă. De acolo urmăm același traseu ca și ieri. Hoinărim cîteva ore prin căldare, ajungînd pînă aproape de Bâlea Lac după care ne întoarcem înainte de lăsarea serii.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Scurtă tură în Valea Bâlea

Pornesc de acasă tîrziu, ajung sus la Bâlea Cascadă un pic dupa ora 3:00pm. Pun focile pe schiuri și o iau în sus pe Transfăgărăsan. Zăpada este neatinsă. Un strat proaspăt de 15-20cm acoperă orice urmă. Urc încet, fără grabă.

O capră neagră se hrănește cu lăstari tineri la cîțiva metri de drum. Nestingherită iși vede mai departe de treaba. Mă opresc din cînd in cînd să fac cîte o poză. Stau și ascult: valea este încremenită, nici o adiere, nici un zgomot.

Începe să se întunece. Urc de aproape două ore, sunt deja în golul alpin. E timpul să fac cale întoarsa. Scot focile si încep coborîrea. La masină ajung pe întuneric , la lumina frontalei.